Garden & Friends Landspcae construction

The process of making professional plans is very simple: 1. First you make a detailed sketch of the property layout. Include all related dimensions. 2. Then, we need to receive your sketch. We prefer a scanned image, but if you do not have a scanner you may take a digital photo of your sketch, save it and send to us. (Please make sure that you can read the details if you take a photo). 3. We print it out and pass this on to our team of skilled draftsman team and designer team who will accurately convert your drawings into a set of professional first conceptual design by using the latest technology programs. 4. We then save the first finished conceptual design in your desired format, and send it back to you via e-mail. You are then ready to upload to your web site, or print out to consider on the first design.


June 2024

Chiangmai's Events