architecture | interior design | carpentry

For the last 65 years, Thaweephan has been one of Thailand's leading architectural woodworking companies and manufacturers of finest quality wood products across wood flooring, doors, windows, decking, structural and decorative wood products. We work with architects, interior designers, contractors and project owners on high-end hospitality, commercial and residential projects.

Established in 1955 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Thaweephan has always been a family-owned business where quality and sustainability are at the forefront of our business operation. We have decades of experience in responsibly sourcing and selecting some of the world's finest woods to create a host of products from beautiful floors and doors to designer homes. Every piece of wood we use is individually checked for its quality, expertly kiln-dried and treated, and fashioned by our own professional carpenters.


Meeting our customer's needs means evolving alongside them. At Thaweephan, we are constantly developing new products and mastering the latest techniques, so that we can offer our clients the best possible service.


Thaweephan's excellent service and attention to detail attracts clients who expect the very best. Architects, interior designers, construction companies and home owners trust us to bring the beauty of natural wood to their projects.


Our experience and expertise enables us to bring unique designs to life in close partnership with our customers, mastering every detail of your project to ensure a smooth process and satisfying outcome.


We strive to minimise our environmental impact through sourcing our raw materials from sustainable and responsible sources and achieveing close to zero waste in our production. We are meticulous in our continuous efforts to preserve and protect our environment for our future generations.


April 2024

Chiangmai's Events