Tesco Lotus (Meaheya)
- Outer Ring Road Chiang Mai (Along the irrigation canal) [121] rd., Mae Hia, Muang DistrictChiangmai 50100
- 1715
- Every Day 24 Hours
- http://www.tescolotus.com
- #Minimart #Tesco Lotus #Convenience Store
GPS : 18.7469000, 98.9416610 (Open Google Map) | Turn on your location
- CALL CENTER : 1712
- WWW : tescolotus.com
- LINE : @tescolotus
- FACEBOOK : TescoLotus
- Twitter : TescoLotus
Tesco Lotus is part of Tesco Group, which operates in 10 countries around the world. Tesco Lotus operates a network of more than 2,000 stores across Thailand as well as online shopping platforms, collectively serving more than 15 million customers every week.Tesco Lotus is committed to serving Thailand’s shoppers a little better every day by providing great quality products at affordable prices and fantastic shopping experiences through all of our channels. We also strive to provide little helps to local communities through a variety of initiatives including the direct sourcing programme, which provides fair and sustainable income for farmers, the food donation programme for schools nationwide, the surplus food donation programme to reduce food waste, and other forms of support provided for local communities.
REF tescolotus.com