Kasean Market (The Senior Market)

This event ended.
  • 16 December 2023 - 17 December 2023
  • Old Chiangmai Cultural Center
  • GPS : 18.7722396, 98.9801010
  • Navigated by Google map

In December, let's enjoy and share the happiness together!

Kasean Market (The Senior Market)

Happiness Area for Elders and Everyone!

  • December 2-3 and 16-17, 2023
  • from 8.00 am. - 2.00 pm. (8.00 am. - 12.00 pm. only for December 3rd,2023)
  • at Old Chiangmai Cultural Center (Wualai Rd.)

near the Chiang Mai International Airport

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/Qh4h5WrqUY6Ncy5A8

The winter has come to Chiang Mai! We prepared many activities to spread happiness to everyone this month, coming with 2 special themes "Kasean Market-Chiang Mai Design Week" and "Kasean Market-Early Christmas Market". Get ready and come join our special activities! at Old Chiangmai Cultural Center, Wualai Rd.


Chiangmai's Events