Passport office Chiangmai

#Passport Office #Passportoffice #make Passport

Chiangmai Provincial LandTransport Office (Meahea)

#driver's licence #car licence #Car tax

Muang Chiangmai District Office

#Make ID card #notify #move out

Department of Land Transport 1 (Nong hoi)

#Car tax #motorcycle transfer #transportation office

Civil registration and ID card work (Mengrai District)

#Municipal District #MunicipalDistrict

Provincial Waterworks Authority (Chiangmai)

#Paying water #water supply #using water supply

Chiang Mai City Municipality Office

#Public service #registration #dead

National Health Security Office Chiangmai (NHSO)

#National Health Security #NHSO

Sivichai Municipal District

#Local Government office #MunicipalDistrict

Meahia Town Municipality

#Municipalities #Local Administrative Organizations #Sub-District Municipalities

Division Of Tourism Business and Guide Registration

#Business Registration Office #Guide Office #Guide

Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Office

#Government of Chiang Mai Province #Government Office

Mengrai Municipal District

#Local Government office #MunicipalDistrict

Chiangmai Property Department

#Chiangmai Property Department

Chiangmai probation office

#Law enforcement agency #probation office

State Audit Office of the Kingdom

#State Audit Office

Treasury Department

#coin exchange #Treasury Department

dumrong thum office

#Complaint #Complaint #Damrongtham Center Ministry of Interior

Office of Tourism and Sports

#Office of Tourism

Nonghoi Subdistrict Municipality

#Municipalities #Subdistrict Councils #Subdistricts

Regional Irrigation Office 1

#Regional Irrigation Office

Padad Subdistrict Municipality

#Municipalities #Subdistrict Councils #Subdistricts

Kawira Municipal District

#Local Government office #MunicipalDistrict

Suthep Subdistrict Municipality

#Municipalities #Subdistrict Councils #Subdistricts

Chang Mai Woman Correctional Institution

#Chiang Mai Prison #Female Prison

Nakornping Municipal District

#Local Government office #MunicipalDistrict

Bank of Thailand Northern office

#Bank #Bank of Thailand #NorthernBank

Legal Execution Department (Chiangmai)

#Legal Execution Department

Thasala Subdistrict Municipality

#Municipalities #Subdistrict Councils #Subdistricts

Courts of Justice Chiangmai

#Courts of Justice #Courts

Nong Pa Khang Subdistrict Municipality

#Municipalities #Subdistrict Councils #Subdistricts

Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office

#District Health Office #DistrictHealthOffice

Chiang Mai Cultural Office

#Cultural Office

Fahham Subdistrict Municipality

#Municipalities #Subdistrict Councils #Subdistricts

Office of 1st. Disease Prevention & Control

#Disease Prevention & Control

Sanpeesea Municipalnity

#Municipalities #Subdistrict Councils #Subdistricts